68000 CPU core :
- Starscream 680x0 emulation library by
Neill Corlett
It's very fast, i've fixed some bugs for a better accuracy.
SH2 CPU core:
Custom ASM core.
VDP 32X emulation:
- Direct color mode with priorities
- Packed pixel color mode with priorities
- Run lenght mode
- Fill function
VDP Genesis emulation:
- DMA transfers (all modes with accurates timings)
- Scroll A plane with vertical scrolling (overall, 2 cells)
and horizontal scrolling (overall, cell, dot)
- Scroll B plane with vertical scrolling (overall, 2 cells)
and horizontal scrolling (overall, cell, dot)
- Window plane
- Sprite plane
- Vertical Interrupt
- Horizontal Interrupt
- All rasters effects
- Highlight/Shadow effects
- Interlaced mode
GFX coprocessor :
- Rotation/enlargement supported in all modes
- Font color/data conversion.
- Graphics dot and cell conversions.
IO ports emulation (controller 1 and controller 2)
- DirectInput keyboard support.
- DirectInput joysticks support.
* Z80
CPU core emulation :
- RAZE Z80 core by Richard Mitton
CD interface :
- CDD and CDC emulation
- ASPI used for low-level CD access.
- ISO loading with MP3 playback.
* YM2612 emulation
* PCM emulation
* PWM emulation
* PSG emulation
* SRAM supported
* BRAM supported
* Frame Skip (Auto, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
* Netplay (Kaillera)
* Save/Load State
Gens needs DirectX 7.0 (or higher)